giovedì 1 marzo 2018

COVER REVEAL 🔥 Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan🔥

LONG SHOT (A Standalone Basketball Romance)
Release Date: March 22nd
Cover Design: Letitia Hasser/RBA Designs
Photographer:  Dominique Spruch-Desired Spirit Photography
Model:  Kevin S
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Think you know what it’s like being a baller’s girl?
You don’t.
My fairy tale is upside down.
A happily never after.
I kissed the prince and he turned into a fraud.
I was a fool, and his love – fool’s gold.
Now there’s a new player in the game, August West.
One of the NBA’s brightest stars.
Fine. Forbidden.
He wants me. I want him.
But my past, my fraudulent prince, won’t let me go.
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About the author
Kennedy Ryan is a Southern girl gone Southern California. A Top 100 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy writes romance about remarkable women who thrive even in tough times, the love they find, and the men who cherish them.She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the SoulUSA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Georgia families living with Autism, she has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other media outlets as a voice for families living with autism.

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