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mercoledì 23 maggio 2018

Release Blitz & ARC Review πŸ’œ Hard love by Shana Vanterpool πŸ’œ

Title: Hard Love
Series: Guns & Ink
Author: Shana Vanterpool
Genre: NA/Contemporary Romance (Stand alone)
Release Date: May 22, 2018
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36276369-hard-love

My review
Hard love is going to touch you deeply, because Shana Vanterpool when decides to write something, she wants to get straight to her readers heart. Break it in million pieces and slowly put it back together. Make it beat faster than before. She always wants to get a strong impact. And her books have this main goal. So Hard love ( can be read like a standalone) is going to "play " with your feelings. It will going to drive you crazy in a good and "bad" way. Good because what Catherine and Brando have is above any logic. It's instant, it's deep, it's madly, it's permanent. Their bond doesn't know any judgement, impediment, rule or rationality. It's there, it's burning, consuming, devastating, demanding and addicted.
Brando and Cat has no need the words to feel and percept to other one mood, thoughts, fears, worries. And this is what will lead them though the darkness. Sometimes they will try to fight what they get, the fierce that brings them together no matter what, but there are reasons, invisible but strong that makes two hearts to beat together, to reach for each other.
Hard love is mixing tears of sadness with others of happiness. Crudity with tenderness. Fire with ice. Because Cat and Brando were born to be together above it all. They match so perfect that is hard to breathe sometimes seeing how much one complete the other. Even their scars match perfectly. They are perfectly damaged, but so damn perfectly beautiful together. And the way they'll live and learn, trust and heal each other for what they are is the real essence of the whole story. They will try to push the other, try to deny their mutual attraction, but that feeling owns their hearts, it will fight against their demons to pull them together even when theiselves are going to try different. Their love, yes is damaged, is dangerous, but is also inevitable.
The only thing I can say is: Enjoy the ride! Cuz it's going to be hard to say no, to this exceptional story. Hard love is far from a fairytale, hard love is a fire story, intense, uncontrollable and so passionate for a second chance, for a reason to try again, for a way to keep fighting, to love and be loved!
*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review


When two people in pain collide, there is something intoxicating about drowning in the
chaos of hard love.
Brando Hawkins is a detective with the Denver Police Department. The world should be
his to take. He’s a dedicated officer with a promising career. But Brando’s got secrets.
Dark, ruthless secrets. At twenty-six, he’s burned-out, and the sight of another body, one
more unhappy ending, might just do him in.
Catherine Abbott is a woman who wars with her demons and guards her heart.
Immersed in a world where people ink their lives on their skin, Catherine trusts only that
which she can see. And, as a rape survivor, she finds comfort in control.
But Brando’s demons start to tangle with hers. They’re dangerous, like hers. But they’re
beautiful too.
A spray of bullets brings them together, and the pain of their pasts collide with the lure
of their futures. Cat wants to mend his heart and his wounds, but Brando’s secrets lay
tucked away in a vault so tightly sealed, she can’t get through.
Everything around them is covered in the confusion of love and the burn of revenge, but
no one ever said love was easy.
Hard Love is the next standalone installment in the Guns & Ink series by Shana
Vanterpool, a world of tattoos, love, and redemption from Swoon Romance.

Buy Links: Kindle Unlimited
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2I4lg29
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2ugyIhr
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2Go5Pof
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/2ueVp5v

In the series

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2eH87zv
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2eImXWf
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2eHoEmZ
Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2eHGHZX

About the author

Romance author, coffee drinker, and bad boy aficionado. Every second not spent
breathing is an opportunity to write and read. I live in Northern California with my
family and actress dog, Halle Bella. (Just Bella when she decides to cut the crap.) Escaping
with a good book is something I live for and I write so others can do the same.
Social Media Links:
Website: ShanaVanterpool.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Author-Shana-Vanterpool-404672296399311
Twitter: @ShanaVauthor - https://twitter.com/shanavauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/shanavanterpoolauthor
Instagram: @ShanaVauthor - https://www.instagram.com/shanavauthor/

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